A story of my favourite video game Rocket League!

This game Rocket League is a game that you play soccer with a car. It’s an interesting game because there are many concepts. One of the concepts are Training , private matches  LTMs ,ranked and casual these are the game modes in the game Rocket League. Ranked is the. game mode where you play your placement matches until you get to the max rank super sonic legend also known as SSL. Private matches are when you get together and make a match that only people can join that know the codes or the people in your party. Training is simple just hit the ball around and train. casual is just where you verse people that are low ranked or high ranked its pretty much randomised. LTMs are actually game modes like hoops, drop shot, heat seekers  rocket labs, rumble and snow day they’re all REALLY fun. People also trade and open drops to get rare things and if you want to trade you need to buy 500 credits (the currency of Rocket league) only then you can trade. You can also support your favourite Youtube Creator and buy things from the item shop. There are also a type of tournament called rlcs and also a lot of teams competing for number #1. My favourite team is nrg. this team has my favourite content creators in it. this team is also really good.

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