Superman’s Weakness… KRYPTONITE!

“Krypton is the element we need to collect Suntanore”. “Now about this element… The dangerous element Krypton. It’s a really dangerous element and it can kill many people, it is also a noble gas in the periodic table”. The atomic number is 36 and the atomic mass is 83.798 U. Its boiling point is – 153.4 degrees Celsius. There wouldn’t be much difference if this element didn’t exist. Krypton is commercially used as a filling gas for energy-saving fluorescent light. Krypton is a noble gas but it reacts to alkaline. Krypton is also the weakness of Superman “(cough cough) DC fans” that’s the only way we can destroy him”. Krypton isn’t a good element because it causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, feinting and maybe even death”. “Ok boss, after I obtain this, I will take down Superman, Then we will steal…. THE MOOOOOOON!