Week 5 – S.T.E.A.M Compare and contrast

Use this compare and contrast chart to compare the differences and similarities to the life cycle of a sea turtle and the life cycle of your chosen marine animal.

his week in STEAM we compared the difference between the Sea Turtle and a Shark or a Whale.  We used a compare and contrast chart to write down all the things that we found out that were the same and the things that were different. 

I chose ( insert type of shark or whale ) because ( give your reasons ) and compared this with the ( type of turtle ) from week 4. 

Here is my compare and contrast chart. 






Week 3 Steam – Marine Animal Reproduction

In week three for STEAM we researched the different life cycle patterns observed in marine animals. We found that there are four main categories. 

Oviparous Producing young by means of eggs which are hatched after they have been laid by the parent.

ViviparousGive birth to live young.

Ovoviviparous – Once the egg hatches, it remains inside the mother for a period of time

Metamorphosis Change of physical form, structure, or substance