Stop Motion – The End.

This was our most funniest and hardiest one we had made. We made copies just in case if we messed it up our voice recording.It was based on katiakitanga the funniest part was when nathuli’s charater carys the beekeeper when the queen bee stings the beekeeper and gets honey


i think it took us a very long time to get all the charaters at the end sadly i could not  get the photo becuse it did not load for me and when we tried to air drop it again it did not work so we just finished making our poster and trailer





Bringing My Stop Motion Movie to Life: Designing Characters and Backgrounds

In week 5/4 i’ve been busy with my buddy’s Nathuli and Amirah on making our stop montion but sadly Amirah was a way almost all the time so me and Nathuli.We have been busy drawing our characters and backgrounds for our using sketches School.we are happy with our progress.  

This is how it looks right now but we are still working on it so we still need to add stuff and all the disigns are coming to getter im so exited of our end results.But that will be for when we are finished witch i think is going to take a bit long and me and Amirah might give up but Nathuli will always help us through and we will be a good team together!  

Crafting Our Stop-Motion Storyboard

what is a story-board:

A storyboard can be anything from comic book-like rough sketches to stick figures to computer-generated drawings. To help you plan your own video, we’ll walk through the basics of creating storyboards, including: The basic elements of every storyboard

Why is it important to complete a storyboard before starting your project?:

This crucial tool in the pre-production process allows you to get a glimpse of what your project will look like when it’s completed. A well-constructed storyboard should provide your whole team with an effective, external manifestation of your vision.

for STEAM me, Nathuli and Amirah made a life cycle for a honey bee for the first two weeks Amirah had choir and was mostly away so she was helping us less but me and Nathuli got our work done so ill tell u the stages 1st egg , 2nd Larva , 3rd Pupa and lastly Adult stage!


thank you for reading!

By:Maryam mahira 🙂

katiakitanga STEAM week one term 4

katiakitanga means


  1. guardians of the earth
  2. kaitiakitanga is a mouri concept for guardians of the sky, sea and land
  3. they help us survive by giving us food, air and water
  4. they help anmials and sea life by giving food
  5. reuse, recycle and reduce
  6. the guardians of the earth and help us survive
  7. they can protect the land, sky and sea
  8. clean up after your self


  • trees help us breath
  • cars pollute the air
  • Kaitiakitanga is founded on traditional Māori world views, involving the conservation, restoration and sustainability of the environment
  • The aim is to ensure New Zealand’s land, rivers, lakes and coasts are protected for future generations.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Volunteer for cleanups in your community
  • Choose sustainable
  • dont pee in the shower!!!!!!
  • dont use electrical appliances if u can do it by hand lolll!!!!!
In STEAM we are learning about stop motion and maybe next week we will start doing it on stop motion.








invasive german wasp species

In STEAM we learned about invasive wasp species, our teacher Mr.Vande-Kratts gave us 2 choices to make a wanted poster about, A common wasp or a German wasp.I chose the German wasp because it was easier to  research about. The German wasp is harmful and stings people andvery deadly maybe, they also swarm in very big groups!You can find them in New zealand, in the North island and in the upper parts of south island.They should be returned to Europe and parts of north Africa.


colour yellow and black.               Aquatic\Terrstrial terrstrial

class insecta           spreads by they swarm places

if found you shoud call pest control.

reward NZ will be become a better place for native insects and human beings

Thank you for reading!by:Maryam Mahira

insects roles in our world

In week two in STEAM we learned about the ways insects help our world of insects like how One hardworking dec0mposer is the a dung beetle. Insects are important to birds because they eat insects. Insects help with pest population and much more. Bees and butterflies get all the credit, but moths, wasps, ants and beetles are also pollinators. Without insects things will smell gross. Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles or ladybirds beetles, have a voracious appetite for plant-eating insects like aphids.

click the link to see the slides.decomposer 


the time someone tried to steal stuff form my pencil case but instead stole my friends stuff mahira

Once in year 4 me and my friend Mahira had the same pencil case, and someone tried to steal my stuff but instead stole my Mahira’s, and we decided to interrogate our class mates a bit. We got no where, so we told the teacher and our teacher, Mrs Hayward “Ask people to check their tottery if they allowed but only one person” she said,  me and Mahira got sus, so we just said it was because someone stole Mahira’s stuff so then she agreed but asked if they could use something form their tote tray, but we said “Just incase use a spare from your friend” and they insisted to use their own one but we said “no!” And they left me and Mahira, and we never found her stuff.