
Advertisement: camp


camp comes around every 2 years, it’s not just your ordinary camp staying up at the campfire and telling spooky stories. You will get to experience once in a lifetime activities such as giants ladder, high beam, and kayaking etc. in the majority of these activities you have to communicate and cooperate with your peers and group mates to succeed in the activities. Our fabulous Ms rowland and our other awesome teachers have spent a lot of their time working on planning camp for us, Ms Rowland also will be hosting a campfire where we all get to eat s’mores sing campfire songs and much more. Thank you for your time listening to this advertisement for the TGS camp.


Just do writing task: information report

Puhinui stream was one of the most polluted streams in Auckland until the local residents decided to take a step for the best by cleaning and un polluting   the Puhinui stream. This project has been going on for twenty one years, the local community and school stated that “it has been a long journey but we’re committed to the change.”Brent Condon a passionate advocate said that “Local Tamariki are being enabled to become tiaki (carers) for one of the most vulnerable and abused parts of the stream that flows through their own neighbourhood” which is one of the reasons their so motivated in un polluting and cleaning Puhinui stream.


House assemblies

House assemblies,

House assemblies are considered as a quite big thing in TGS, in house assemblies the 4 different houses  Tawa (blue),rimu (red),Kauri (green), and kowhai (yellow), ( Tawa is the best) all of the house colours meet up in different spots in the school, we do stuff like house chants play games and even sing songs. The house captains usually give out gold or black tokens, because at the end of every term we count how many tokens each house has and see who wins. They also give out certificates to people who sang well, had a good behaviour, and people who did well in the games we played. This is all we do at house assemblies at TGS and it’s very fun at certain times.


Olympics guidelines

Olympic guidelines ( by Mehtab)

the most important set of rules in the Olympics are things like no doping, ( steroids, body enhancing drugs) no amateurs it is strictly forbidden, if athletes competing in any sport perform a celebration regarding any this racially profiling religious beliefs and to race they will be immediately disqualified. If there is any bribery given to the referees the team the gave the bribe shall be suspended or even banned from the olympics. One of the most important rules are sponsorships in the Olympics athletes are not allowed to wear any accessories, jewelry, or performance enhancing items.


Peter Jackson

Sir Peter Jackson, Sir Peter Jackson was born on a seaside village in Wellington. From a young age he had a passion for films. He was inspired by Ray Harryhausen. When he was 10 years old he’s parents bought him a camera, Sir Peter Jackson was growing older and older and he’s passion for directing movies just grew larger .

sir Peter Jackson began hes career in 1987 releasing the movie “Splat Stick” a horror comedy, he kept on releasing movies and just became more and more popular within the film industry . Sir Peter Jackson later had a life threatening surgery in his life and doctors said it was miracle he survived. Sir Peter Jackson later married Dame Fran Walsh who was a screenwriter, film producer,  and a lyricist, they shortly had there first child Katie, and only a year later they had there first son Billy. Peter Jackson released hes most popular movie Lord of the rings trilogy, hammering 281 million USD. Peter Jackson will now release hes next Lord of the rings movie in 2026, you can’t be surprised that Peter Jackson got more than 10 awards


The battle of galippoli

The battle of gallipoli, the battle of gallipoli was a total blood bath more than 44,000 allied soldiers died it was a massacre, including more than 8,700 Australians and among then were 2779 brand new New Zealanders. The total amount of deaths were 300,000+ the British losing 120,000 with massive casualties leaving soldiers dead, severely injured, and left with mental issues leaving some people completely broken. The battle of gallipoli was the first operation of modern warfare in ww1. Māori people and other island countries were sent to the battle as medics and non combatants.


The Hunter

The Hunter the one and only…

He hunted the creatures mercilessly,

He ripped them apart like a bloodthirsty Lion.

Hunting them day and night not resting until he takes there live’s,


Him and his dog, both monstruos creatures.

Nor humans nor animals but evil itself,

 Avenging the fallen ones filled with rage and bloodthirst.

Eager and stubborn to see what he faces next…


Children and woman mercilessly murdered,

Men captured and brutally inslaved.

We strike in the midst of the midnight,

To slay the evil forces.


Poly fest

Last week Wednesday, polyfest, Poly fest  was a  exciting event only coming once a year. 8:20 we got on the bus to go to poly fest the traffic was rough so it took us more time than expected but we a got there, the bus was pretty chaotic like it normally is on a school trip. Once we registered at poly fest we went through the bag check and waited for the rest of the hapori to arrive since they got late, they arrived a couple minutes later and we headed to the first stage of poly fest: the introduction the kind lady told us that there would be 3 stages of poly fest, we got into the vibe with the dj playing some groovy music and kids dancing everywhere. We roamed around looking at all the attractions before going to the first stage, there were all kinds of stands such as fire safety, bowel tests and etc. once we got to the main stage we were greeted with some Indian dance known as Bhangra and gidda originating from the roots of punjab, India. The performance was indeed very energetic and breath taking, continuing the performances we got the chance to see 2 more Indian performances from Epson girls high school. The last performance we had was a Filipino performance  it really had that strong  Filipino vibe. Fast forward to the last performance which was a traditional Māori performance we were up on the stands far away from the main stage but the performance was so energetic we could hear the stands shaking it ended as a very shaky performance, it was now the end of poly fest so we headed back to school. That was poly fest from the gardens school I hope you enjoyed reading this.


The night sky

The moon shining and shimmering sparkly and filled with fairy dust. Stars shining as bright as they can and dancing their hearts out. Calling the planets to form an eclipse. As the stars dance they get exhausted staying where they are and forming a beautiful constellation. The Milky Way on its peak looking smoother than silk. Stars reflections if the sea making a beautiful shiny ocean with shiny lights and the glamorous moon in the midst.


My first day selling chocolates for the pta fundraising event. I started at my next door neighbours house with my friend manvir Brar well known as one of the kowphai house captains, the first house we went to we got a handsome tip of 5 doller’s even though they didn’t buy anything we really appreciated the contribution we went on a few more houses up this hill selling 1 – 2 chocolate bars each house but then we hit the jack pot I sold 5 bars in one house straight after that we were only selling 3-6 bars. We had come a long way we started at 7:00 pm and ended at 8:15 pm and went home, tommorow we will sell the remaining bars and maybe get 1 more box each. That was the end of the day it was pretty tiring we will continue our contribution tomorrow I hope you guys had a great day.