Term4 – reflection – podcast
What was hard / easy
what was hard was adding all the recordings on to garage band and what was easy was recording
Which task did you enjoy the most?
it was making a podcast about marine life and sea animals because it was fun
How dose your podcast relate to Kaitiakitanga?
Because it is about sea life and protecting it
Tips to make a better environment
picking up your rubbish even if it’s not yours
Help the pollution in the ocean
wash your car on the grass
STEAM-week 2
- Visual: sunrise on the beach
- siena “welcome to the sea besties podcast”
- Introduce ourselves/our names
- Introduce the topic ‘sea life protection’
Segment 1:
impacts that humans have on sea life
- Visual: underwater by coral reef.
- Talk about the problems they face because of humans.
- How we can get rid of the problems we cause our sea life.
Segment 2:
Rubbish/littering problems
- Visual:dolphins doing tricks.
- How your rubbish ends up in the ocean.
- What species get affected by the rubbish problems.
- Alternatives to plastic and other non-reusable materials.
- Picking up after yourself and others.
Segment 3:
- Visual: A beach on a tropical island
- How the ocean can get polluted; boats, rubbish trucks and factories
- How the sea life can be affected by pollution
- How we can reduce ocean pollution
Visual: sunset on the beach
- Thanks for listening
- We hope you have learnt a lot from this podcast
- Make sure to use the tips we gave you to make our oceans a better home for our sea life!
And this is our story board
Podcast- Term 4 week 1 STEAM 2024
My group:
Milan- designer, blogger
Siena- researcher, organiser
Scarlett- recorder, co designer
Our podcast name:
Sea besties 🌊🪸
Our podcast logo:
Why we chose this logo:
We chose this logo because it fits in with our sea animals/ life theme and the animals represent the three people in our group. We chose these animals because we all found them really cute and it went perfectly with our background. We also liked how they were in a circle and how it looked good under the sun rays and in the middle of the coral around them.
Our podcast theme:
Sea-life protection
Kaitiakitanga T3 : W4-5 STEAM 2024
Kaitiakitanga Week 2 , Term 3 , STEAM
1.Amphibian short answer quiz
2. matching traits of a Frog, Toad and Salamanders
3. life cycle of a bull frog
Kaitiakitanga Week 3 , Term 3 , STEAM
Unique NZ reptiles and amphibians
1. fact file
AI For oceans
2. Hour of code