In week two in steam we learned about five ways insects help our world. First Insects pollinate plants: While bees and butterflies get all the credit, moths, wasps, ants and beetles are also pollinators. Insects are integral to our food systems as one-third of food crops depend on the important work of pollinators. SecondInsects decompose waste and organic matter: The dung beetle is an insect that buries the dung which becomes compost for the ground. We need to make sure we don’t liter because it kill insects and makes there job a lot harder. Third Insects control pest populations: Predator insects keep populations in check which in turn protects gardens and farm crops. Some insects are predators that hunt other insects. Fourth Insects are an important food source: Insects are not only edible but are high protein and fat content. They’re also very important to other animals such as reptiles, mammals, birds, bigger insects. And finally Insects are inspiring: Insects inspire us to protect nature. Insects have even inspired artists throughout the ages and were well documented during the naturalist and scientific boom of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.