December 3

Free Verse Poems

How To write a Free verse poem

You can basically do anything with a free verse poem but you could add poetic devices like personification and alliteration.You could add 4 lines or even 11 lines!But there’s one catch with free verse poems and that is using EMOTION.

For example you could have a happy vibe and it could be about rainbows, even about a cute pet you have or saw OR you could have a dark and scary vibe, so it would be about horror and the famous holiday……


Success criteria :



November 17

Concrete poems

A concrete poem is a poem that is a shape, people can write inside the shape or do the outline of the shape and the shape must be drawn according to the topic of the poem.

How to make a concrete poem:

To make a concrete poem you would have to pick a theme and a shape that matches well together, then write your poem inside the shape OR on the outline of the shape you need some important details like:Alliteration, sentences and imagery.

Success Criteria:

  • include sentences or add single words
  • alliteration
  • simile
  • Imagery

Optional things you can add:

  • metaphor.
  • Rhyme
  • Onomatopia
  • personification

My example:


Shape: crescent moon

November 14

Kaitiakitanga Diamanté poem


Lush, Ethereal

Blooming, fluttering, growing

plants, greenery, dying , rot

Succumbing, perishing, Decaying

Extinct, ruined


How to make a Diamanté poem:

  • A diamanté poem always has 7 lines
  • In a shape of a diamond\Rhombus
  • Lines 1,4 and 7 has nouns
  • Lines 2 & 6 have adjectives
  • Lines 3 & 5 have verbs
  • Opposite sides/topics of synonyms/similar topics
  • T
  • Half and Half
  • At least 14 words


November 12

Diamanté poem

A diamanté poem is a poem that is in a shape of a diamond, In French diamanté means a diamond so that’s what is was named after.

How to make a Diamanté poem:

  • A diamanté poem always has 7 lines
  • Lines 1,4 and 7 has nouns
  • Lines 2 & 6 have adjectives
  • Lines 3 & 5 have verbs
  • Opposite Or Similar topics
  • Titles on the bottom and top
  • Half and Half
  • At least 14 words
November 12

Week3-Limerick poems

A limerick always has 5 lines and the first line has to rhyme with the 2nd and 5th line and the 3rd and 4th line have to rhyme.

Success criteria:

  • 1,2,5 have to rhyme
  • The lines line 3/4 have to rhyme
  • poetic devices
  • lines not always full sentences

Limericks have a nice rhythm, you can read the out loud and hear a beat forming

so to make one you would have to have the lines 1,2 and 5 rhyming and having some

main poetic devices and not all lines have to be sentences.


October 29

Acrostic Poems

The Tele stitch poem 

The Tele stitch poem is An Acrostic poem where the last letters line spell a word or message/phrase vertically.

The Abecedarian poem 

An Abecedarian acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of each line is the order of the alphabet.

The double acrostic 

A double acrostic poem is where the first and last letters of each line are the same, forming the same word on each side vertically.

Example of a acrostic poem:

Flaming sparks floating down form the dark sky

In the Smokey air, Grey  and white swirls fly

Radiant colours everywhere, bursting from fireworks

Excited children screaming everywhere

Wonderful sights form popping colours

Outstanding lights shine before they hit the ground

Relaxed  watching the bursts of colours sprout

Kaleidoscopic lights in every burst of light

Sprouting pops make people look




October 23


There are 2 ways to write a cinquain poem the  first way is “A Didactic Cinquain poem where the first line is the title, the second line is 2 adjectives and the third line has to be telling the reader more about the subject lots of time these words in with ing.The last line has 4 words about emotions of the subject.

The second way is Cinquain rules and that is where the first line has 2 syllables the second line has 4 syllables 6 in the third, 8 in the fourth and just 2 on the last line.