In my early life navroop was born Navroop was not able to talk English because navroop picked up the language that his dad and mom used because every one in his house only spoked Punjabi and nothing else but when navroop went to his cousins house they always talked English and when navroop was 2/.3 and then he would never know what they would talk about but a little time later He started to understand and He could not speak the language but understand English and a little bit later He started kindergarten called kinddiwinks and then He went then made a freind that would be his freind forever his name was sahlui and he was Muslim and they always were playing together and he used to come to sahlui’s house and Sahlui would come to his house and they used to live next to each other but a little while later Navroop went to primary school and it was scary for him He was crying when He saw his mum go because He did not have anyone to talk with there and they said that if navroop dose not stop crying then his friend sahlui can never could
So he went to university and then I got my first job what was McDonald’s and keep in mind I’m still in uni so I did not have a degree for a high paying job then 3 years later I got an degree and I got my job what was a Assassin l and when I was in uni and still working in McDonald’s and I raised about 10k dollars from working on hours on hours
So now that Navroops is an assassin and is boss was a mafia guy and he was impressed of my skill of killing people in silence and then he was wanted but they didn’t know his face because he would always wear a mask and they could now know that it was him so they didn’t mind him and so he keeped killing and killing then he was I owed for the most wanted person on the world and it was not tuff because he is smart and sees the world dumb as heck and he would out smart everybody
- Now that he was wanted they put everyone in lockdown and navroop did not know so he keeped taking orders from him boss but the police knew everything about what where so they send out a bit of cops and they all got outsmarted so now that they see how dangerous he is then they send a helicopter and swat and military and so navroop saw then then he got into the car then there was bullets flying everywhere and explode inv but he found out that they weren’t the cops and that it was a the most dangerous man that it was his bosses men so then he steps on the gas and ZOOM went the car and missiles were exploding everywhere and missing a lot by an inch and then he pulled out his pistol and shot one of helicopters and it blowed up a lot of cars and the cars and the helicopter blocked the entry aka the road and all the cars get blocked but he notice that a bunch of helicopters was after him and all of them were shooting his car and then he shot one of the heli pilot and they went down but it did not explode and he drove to the helicopter and got in it and it had a full missle slot it was one of the helicopters that did not shoot a rocket at him and so he used the heat tracking missiles to blow up one of the helicopters that crashed into a