
queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth II passed away just recently from old age and it was sad but the day would come because she was almost 100 years old. She was an interesting person and she has done so much for the UK and other countries. She had

served in the world war ll and was a mechanical engineer in the war she was useful on the battlefield because if one of the cars would break down tlsh would on the way and fix the car. She also has 7 dogs. They are corgis and they were her favorite type of breed and she loved them very much. Sadly her dad had passed away when she was only 25


If I could have any domestic animal

If I had any domestIcated anImal It would be a chunky baby seal because why not they are cute theIr fluffy. They are frIendly I thInk but stIll they are not good to keep as a pet but because I can have any anImal It would be a baby seal..


but who would not because they are basIcally harmless . they can lIve In a freezer. They are too fluffy for thIs world . no anImal can be cuter than It . They have the most bIggest eyes In the world.


 You should see How bIg theIr   eyes are . They look so cute wIth bIg eyes . another reason I would have them as a pet  they never hurt anyone at all and I never heard anyone get hurt from the news and that’s why I would have a baby seal
