If I had any domestIcated anImal It would be a chunky baby seal because why not they are cute theIr fluffy. They are frIendly I thInk but stIll they are not good to keep as a pet but because I can have any anImal It would be a baby seal..
but who would not because they are basIcally harmless . they can lIve In a freezer. They are too fluffy for thIs world . no anImal can be cuter than It . They have the most bIggest eyes In the world.
You should see How bIg theIr eyes are . They look so cute wIth bIg eyes . another reason I would have them as a pet they never hurt anyone at all and I never heard anyone get hurt from the news and that’s why I would have a baby seal
One reply on “If I could have any domestic animal”
Navroop the basIcally it has a capital I in it