
Stupid baby

Stupid baby was hit on the head

He came crashing down faster than a hare

He cried he weeped 

He rolled on the ground 

He was bold and brave 

But his mummy came 

BANG! Opens the door 

“AHHHHH” goes the mom 

“WAAAA”goes the baby

“BEEP” goes the phone

  “hello” goes the dispatch 

“WEEWOO”comes the ambulance 

“SLAM”goes the door 

“WOOSH”opens the door

“Tssss” opens the bandage 

Blood everywhere 

All over the table

All over the chair 

ths ths “ goes the bandage

An high pitch “ eeeee” goes the wipes 

The baby calms 

The mother calms 

In the end

They all went to bed