All adult insects have three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. The wings and legs are always attached to the thorax. (Spiders, which are not insects, have two body parts: head and abdomen.) Insects always have six legs. Insect but only have one pair of wings: (Flies)All Diptera have sucking mouthparts, and they are the only group of commonly encountered insects which have only 1 pair of wings(instead of 2 pairs). The Boy and Insects are mostly bigger than the girls But sometimes the girls are bigger than the like for starters stick bugs and pre-mantis the girl pre-mantis is bigger than the boys cool fact the girl pre-mantis eats the boy pre-mantis cool right!? So you know now the girl pre-mantis is bigger than the boys but now I will tell you about the boy insects what are bigger than the girls (solitary bees) they are bigger than the girls. Now different foods for what do insects eat? The answer is…… just about anything! Insects are opportunistic feeders and will chow down on just about anything they can get their mandibles on. This can include nectar, pollen, fruit, leaves, wood, and even other insects.