How to build a world
easy and possible world first things that you just make and fresh new world to start off survival you need to gather resources but if you’re in creative you can just grab it out of her inventory just play blocks ground on the floor you wanna make a house stop playing blocks with the frame of the house with blocks and start filling in the gaps and then make the interior and exterior and you’re done so if you wanna make a secret base you could just use some Redstone and a hidden level or a button and there you go you made a secret door you also need to use sticky pistons so you can close it and open it use a liver you’ll have to clear clothes from outside and then quickly run inside to the door won’t shut you and if you use the button it will open and when you go inside it will turn off automatically so I recommend you use a button for a secret door you could use a trap door in a wall had a very hidden place like you could put some girls in front of us or you could put it in a cave so you go in the cave and just go to the trap door and you’re done if you use pressure plates it will be obvious unless you put some things around it to hide it like grass and flowers other