paragraph 1
Today, I went to Tōtara Park with my class. We got there and we did the roll with all Kāhu. After that, we got into two groups. My group was Kāhu 3, 5 and 6. Mrs. VT was leading the walk.
paragraph 2
As we were walking, there was so much mud, that my friend June slipped and almost fell! We both laughed but I was a little concerned about falling into the sticky, muddy puddles. We kept walking and saw this AMAZING view! My eyes sparkled with admiration as I gazed into the sky.
Paragraph 3
We started walking again. I saw all different plants and fungus. Some tall, slim trees were in the middle of the pathway. The waterfall was trickling down the big rocks. I saw this majestic field, and walked everywhere.
paragraph 4
After all that walking, we could finally eat. After eating, we all played on the playground. One of my classmates fell, I feel bad for him. Anyway, Mrs. VT called us and we went on our next adventure!
paragraph 5
We went a different pathway this time. It was very muddy. June jumped in some puddles and got very wet and muddy. I laughed my nose off as her socks looked pink.
paragraph 6
We met Kāhu 1 2 and 4 again by the place we entered. We did the roll, and my legs were hurting like someone stabbed it! (Just joking). When we did the roll, we head back to school. When we got there, we had to take off our shoes and socks. We all sat in Tamaki. And, OH. MY. GOODNESS. IT STANK! But I really had to say “Oh well” LIKE WHAT. Anyway, that was the end of our trip. I’m really looking forward to the Botanic Gardens!
Whats the DIFFERENCE between the botanic gardens?
There is way more birds, flowers, more concrete, less mud, and there is no one getting muddy or falling over, which is good. And it’s also way more calming at Botanic Gardens than Tōtara Park.