
How to Play Netball


Every team has at least 7 players, which is 14 in total. Every team has a center, wing defense, wing attack, goal defense, goal attack, goal shooter, and goal keeper.

how to play
  1. You begin with center pass.
  2. If you get the ball, you will not be able to take more than 3 steps, pass to a teammate before doing so.
  3. Only gd, ga, gs and gk are allowed to stand in the half circle, because they are the one that can shoot.

Centers are able to move in the whole court, with the exception of the goal circles. They have to help out in defense and attack. But they are mainly relied upon to shift the ball away from the defensive area into attack. Centers also restart the game each time a goal has been scored.

wing defense
 this position is required to close down opposition players, intercept and protect the goal circle. The wing defense is only allowed in the bottom two thirds of their court.
wing attack

WA is chiefly responsible for moving the ball down from the center third to the goal third and for feeding the ball into the shooters’ hands, which includes both the GS and the GA. Their job is to create as many chances to score as possible.

goal defense

gd is to defend the ball from reaching the opposing shooters in a spot where they are comfortable to shoot. They must always be on the look out for chances to intercept the ball and achieve turnovers. They also keep a close look on the opposing team’s GA.

goal attack

this position aims to collect the ball safely from the wing attack or center and either passes to the shooter or has a shot for themselves. The goal attack is only allowed in the top two thirds of their court and the goal circle.


this position aims to collect the ball safely from the wing attack or center and either passes to the shooter or has a shot for themselves. The goal attack is only allowed in the top two thirds of their court and the goal circle.

goal keeper

gk can be considered as the last line of defense. The GK usually has strong camaraderie with the GD and they work together to defend the opposing shooters, intercept balls and catch rebounds. Area of play: The team’s goal third, including the goal circle.

the netball court

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