So you want to be an Olympian? “Yes sir” well you need to do a lot I mean a lot of training. “What kind of training” what sports do you want to participate in the Olympics? “basketball sir” basketball huh, alright tell me are you athletic? “Yes” are you physically strong? “Yes” Thats really good, if you want to be a famous athlete and participate in the Olympics you need to keep your self healthy and in shape. Do you play for a basketball team? “Currently no, but I’m looking for a team” Ok so step one you need to look for a basketball team, if you start making a name for your self and working hard everyday no matter what. Scouts will definitely be amazed by your ability and dedication. Step two you need to be famous for the teams to choose you because, if the teams don’t see your ability’s and what you can do they will never know who you are. So what I recommend is having a social media account with that you can post your trainings and eventually someone will see your hard work and your skills and maybe you will be selected for the squad.
4 replies on “How to be an Olympian”
Your Blog is nice and good! Parminder
Thank you so much Third!
Very good writing piece! parminder.
Great job parminder i loved reading it