During week 2 and 3, the whole kāhu hapori went on a walk to Totara park and the Botanical gardens to see all sorts of different plants and to tell the differences between them two. Sadly I was away sick on the walk to Botanical gardens but I still have a clear memory of what it looks like.
What is kaitiakitanga? How is this shown?
Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection for the environment. Kaitiakitanga takes the full responsibility to look after and protect the land, water, nature, and animals. Kaitiakitanga can be shown by providing for the environment, having a strong spiritual connection to Māori, and caring for Nature’s values for a better environment for the future.
Species of plants
Some species of plants I saw at Tōtara Park were the Japanese camellia flower, Dicots tree, and Kunzea ericoides flowers.

What was different about Tōtara Park vs Botanical Gardens
The difference between these two places that I’ve noticed is, Totara is more wild like the jungle , muddy, free in nature, native plants, and is more like a spot to go on a long walk or a hike. Botanical Gardens has more species of flowers than native plants, neat, construction areas, less muddy, and Botanical Garden had labelled plants, while Tōtara’s plants were just wildly free spread out without any labels.
What are the similarities of Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park?
The similarities between these two places were, they both had a very good healthy environment, both had different species of flowers/plants, and were welcomed by a lot of people. And they both are under government’s property so they are not allowed to cut down any trees.