
Writing competition Topic-Kaitiakitanga

During Term 3 and 4, Kāhu hapori has been learning about Guardianship of the Earth which in Māori is Kaitiakitanga.

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection over the environment. Kaitiakitanga is known for taking the full responsibility to provide and  protect the land, water, environment, nature, and animals.

Kaitiakitanga has helped with many environmental issues. Such as protecting ecosystems, ensuring food sources, restoring environments, and preventing permanent damage to nature and Earth.

Kaitiakitanga can be shown by providing full guardianship over the environment, having a strong spiritual connection to Māori, and looking after Natures values. The meaning for these actions, are for to continue to have a healthy environment for later on in the future.


Tōtara Park and Botanical Gardens Reflection

During week 2 and 3, the whole kāhu hapori went on a walk to Totara park and the Botanical gardens to see all sorts of different plants and to tell  the differences between them two. Sadly I was away sick on the walk to Botanical gardens but I still have a clear memory of what it looks like.

What is kaitiakitanga? How is this shown?

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection for the environment. Kaitiakitanga takes the full responsibility to look after and protect the land, water, nature, and animals. Kaitiakitanga can  be shown by providing for the environment,  having a strong spiritual connection to Māori,  and caring for Nature’s values for a better environment for the future.


Species of plants 

Some species of plants I saw at Tōtara Park were the Japanese camellia flower, Dicots tree, and Kunzea  ericoides flowers.

What was different about Tōtara Park vs Botanical Gardens 

The difference between these two places that I’ve noticed is, Totara is more wild like the jungle , muddy, free in nature, native plants, and is more like a spot to go on a long walk or a hike. Botanical Gardens has more species of flowers than native plants,  neat, construction areas, less muddy, and Botanical Garden had labelled plants, while Tōtara’s  plants were just wildly free spread  out without any labels.


What are the similarities of Botanic Gardens and Tōtara Park?

The similarities between these two places were, they both had a very good healthy environment, both had different  species of flowers/plants,  and were welcomed by a lot of people. And they both are under government’s property so they are not allowed to cut down any trees. 



The life of Peter Jackson

Have you heard of Peter Jackson? He is a famous film maker. He is most well known for directing the film adaptations of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings. It is work is well loved all over the world.

Peter Jackson was born in Pukerua Bay on the 31st of October 1961. When Peter Jackson was 8  years old his parents bought him a small camera to film, this sparked his passion for creative arts. Later on he purchased a bigger camera and with his friends, they began to work on another short film. He left school at 17 then began shooting a science fiction short film, when three years later the film had grown into a 75- minute feature called Bad Taste. Peter Jacksons first box office hit was The Frightners 1996 he then made history with The Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

To conclude we can all agree that Peter Jackson is a genius film maker who directs the film adaptions , what do you think about Peter Jackson?







The enormous black cat poem

The big fat cat hissed as the tiny girl walked right past.

Which made the girl walk so tight that she wished she could go back into the past.

She wanted to turn into a fly and fly right past the big fat cat until it loses its sight.

She was hiding away from the yellow light.


The cat then turned into a train, then swooshed the girl away.

Which made the girl turn into a turtle, hiding in her shell while saying “pls I don’t want to be its prey”.

The cat was as big as a plane. She was trying to catch the next train.


The cat laughed at her fear.

He could sense she was near.

sneakily she stalked somewhere.

where he could not tear.



Photo not mine! From this link



Week 6

If there was a question of choosing to be the rider of a bull or be the clown to distract the bull I would choose to be  the clown because I wouldn’t want to ride a bull because I am 100% sure that I would fall off and hurt myself. I would  rather distract the bull then ride the bull because  I just feel more safe being on ground.

I think that being the clown to distract the bull is helpful because if someone can’t get off the bull the clown could help them get off and the clown will barely even get hurt so that’s what I think why being a clown is better than being a rider. I also think that the clowns are very helpful like a lot because while the riders are riding the bulls the clowns support the riders and helping the riders when they are unconscious.

One thing that is fun about being a clown for the bull is you can tease them and make them very mad but they won’t attack the clown that much mostly the rider. Being a bull rider and clown is both dangerous but also fun but I prefer being a clown, is better for safety and being helpful. Clowns get payed by this much money $40,000​ and ​$90,000​ almost every year.


Why you should go swimming

Swimming Program
The swimming program is a great place to learn how to swim. It can save you from drowning! While we are swimming we get to do very fun activities like going under water playing red light, green light,. But these pools are inside pools so it is heated! It is completely safe to swim in these kind of
pools because one they are heated two they are indoor pools three the people who teach us are very helpful and kind.

We went swimming in Manurewa Leisure Centre it is a great place to teach kids how to swim. If you don’t have goggles they will have spare ones for you which is very helpful. The part of what I like in the pools is they are heated so the water is not cold. So it is completely safe to go to the Swimming Program and it’s really fun! We are also learning at the same time. We learned how to use our strength to swim with one arm and kicking with our feet to exercise our legs.

At the Swimming Program they have 3 different groups. The groups are group one, group two, and group three. The groups are helpful because they can see what we need help with swimming.
How we know which groups we are in is when they tell us to swim then they would decide which group you need to be in.


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