
How do you believe in something you can’t see?

well by my faith I believe in thee,

land a feeling of rejuvenation flows through me,


His spirit is my glue,

this I know is true,


Why do you pray?

to thank him for my blessings everyday,

and washing my sins away,


I had a choice of wrong or right,

but I choose his holy light,


Why do you have a strong passion?

because he gave us his only son,

and valleys he helps me overcome,


When we are in the palm of his hand,

there isn’t anything we can’t withstand,


How isn’t god just plain,

because our saviour died and rose again,

and he can do things we can’t explain,


In me where pain once sat,

is now happiness from our morning chat,


Show me the facts,

Scientist deny, religions they attack,

God is supernatural that knowledge they lack,


Confused they don’t know,

With tragedy, doubt starts to grow,


But I believe in his perfect design,

and a mighty glory so divine,


Does he still love me

He will forever love and let your be free,

But he still wants your integrity,

For god gives me strength,

and love of infinite length,

3 thoughts on “Faith”

  1. Good job Pearl.
    Feather- I like the details
    Feather- I like the worbs you used
    Wings- Just add more photos, idk what else you could do because it’s very good.

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