The first few days as a year 8 have been hectic but extremely fun!
We have started the year by setting our selves up for success, like organising our P.A.L (Portfolio of Assessment & Learning), setting up our google drive and learning about the book standards and the expectations as a year 8.
We have also started to apply for jobs around Kahu. I have applied for the Foodtastic team and to become a Hospice Ambassador. Last year I signed up to be a Road patroller, so I have been helping at the school crossing on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. I was also chosen to be Head Girl for this year and I got to run my first assembly this year. I was feeling a bit nervous but excited at the same time.
We also did a writing test where we had to write a recount about Whānau time. Now we are working on independently marking our test and identifying our next steps.
We are also practicing our SDL tasks with the teachers then taking evidence and putting it into our evidence folders on Google Drive.
To celebrate the Lunar New Year we’re all working on making our Lunar New Year lanterns. First we made our prototypes in a group and now we’re making our final lanterns independently. When I made my lantern I used a can and wrapped it with gold sticker and then used red to make the other bits of my lantern.
Soon there is a Softball tournament in school which I am a part of. My team and I have been practicing a lot for the tournament. Because our school field (the place we would usually practice) is in construction, we have to walk down further past our school to a patch of grass to train. Sometimes we would drive down to Totara park to train instead.
I also trialed for the school swimming team. We all drove down to Manurewa Highschool and trialled in their pool. I really enjoyed that day and it was lots of fun.
It has been an AMAZING start to the year, from making our lanterns to finally being able to see my friends again (and dominating them in volleyball).