As the wind blows, this might be no more All of these factories, shops and lore. Pick up your rubbish, dump and stuff. Or else, Marine life will eat it up. Careless humans will pay for their ignorance, While the people that did care, while tolerant the agnoronace ,
2024 Bandquest Blog!
On Tuesday 27th of August both Bands of TGS went to Bandquest! One was Kāhu Kreators and one was Beyond Manurewa! All of us got into cars at approximately 12:10. But the people sitting in Mrs Salepolu car we’re waiting for my dad to give my clothes. When my Dad arrived with my clothes we […]
Tōtara park and Botanic Gardens Reflection.
Tōtara Park trip On Tuesday 31st July,2024,The Gardens School’s Intermediates went to Tōtara park on an Educational basis. This trip was an amazing opportunity for the Kāhu students(including me!) to explore our new topic for LAUNCH – Kaitiakitanga —safety of the planet- plastic and pollution etc. When we went to Tōtara park, all I saw […]
Peter Jackson
Who is Peter Jackson? Well, Peter Jackson is a Film Director working im WingNut Films. He has made a ton of movies including The Hobbit,Lord of the Rings and King Kong. King Kong was a remake of the original, not the REAL King Kong movie (The remake he made was made in 2001). Early Life: […]
A Hundred Years Ago

I wish I could time travel to see what it was like Or maybe I can go and ride my bike Because I am all ready to blow Back A Hundred Years Ago Hitler was a Mega mad beast And had a million year old feast The Earth started talking gibberish And I’m feeling […]
What’s good yall! Today imma be explained what Polyfest is and how it was like for me to be standing at Mankau Sports Bowl watching whatever Polyfest is (im not gonna spoil it for you.) What is Polyfest??? Well that question always has an answer. The answer is that Polyfest is an Place to witness […]
My first few days in Kāhu 2024
My first few days have been exiting mostly because The Gardens School is a new school for me. I have been finding The Gardens School really nice but confusing. The reason I find it confusing might be since my old school was really different from The Gardens. I have learnt some handy things to do […]
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