What’s good yall!

Today imma be explained what Polyfest is and how it was like for me to be standing at Mankau Sports Bowl watching whatever Polyfest is (im not gonna spoil it for you.)

What is Polyfest???

Well that question always has an answer. The answer is that Polyfest is an Place to witness several different traditional dances from several cultures. Personally my favourite would most likely be the indian Bhangra dance as I am Punjabi and I love to support my own culture and look all the people watching with such attention. My second favourite would be ANOTHER Indian dance but this one had 3 states that had different dances in them and it was all combined as one damce. I forgot the states but I do remember some which were: Gujrat, yea thats all I remember. So I definetly Hope you come to Polyfest next year since this year it’s finished and it’s a five day festival.


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