The Week in Review

The Week in Review

Hello I’m Raam. I’m going to show you what I did this week. And let’s get started and burget all cozy!

Now I’m gonna show you real S.T.E.A.M science! So get ready for coolness. We started at the start of the year, that’s when we were put into our steam groups I was put in Burn Baby Burn Mrs Griffin’s S.T.E.A.M group. Which means I’ll be learning scientific vocabulary and the best of all conducting experiments with chemicals, cool right! It doesn’t end there, we’re going to make candles and sell them. We were recently observing them like their texture, shape, how vicious and how they end up before burning while burning and after burning. Then they also made some predictions. Our group’s predictions were almost all right. We also had to use the words we learnt. Afterwards when we’re done we could do a crossword

One thought on “The Week in Review

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about STEAM learning. Next time, it will be even better if you can break your writing into a few paragraphs. Thank you, Raam!

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