Daily te reo māori question

Hi, it is te wiki o te reo Māori in New Zealand 🇳🇿. We live in a Māori country (Māori is a native culture in New Zealand and just some weeks ago we started daily Māori questions so what we do is that there is a teacher named Mrs Kelly she goes to every hapori. (our houpiris are piwakawaka which is year 6 tui year 5 kotuku year 4 kiwi year 0-1 Kahu year 7-8 pukeko which is year 3 and last but not least at all kakapo is year 2).

After you have found the patai/ a Māori word meaning question, you have to do the following writing on the question, but first you must translate it to English than find the answer which has to be than translated into Māori, you have to email it to her ( Mrs Keli) 

This will make your Te Reo Māori speaking skills WAY BETTER and we have Te Reo Māori words OF THE WEEK SUCH AS patai = question rorohiko = computer Kai = food 😋.

There are many more activities, I didn’t write about them as I don’t know much about them, maybe next time in the future I might be able to write about more activities.

2 thoughts on “Daily te reo māori question

  1. Good piece of writing, but i think you need to recheck your punctuation because you started the bracket but you didn’t end it.

  2. It sounds very fun and that was a very informative text. You describe it very well from the what are and is the Mōari culture

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