What is the best thing you could have in your backyard

Our choices


I would have a really advanced machine, it’s name would be …. Raam’s Machine-2000 . It would do whatever I say and the best thing is … That it could………

It could do anything I want it to do as in even building LEGO LAND OR DISNEY LAND like that would be estonshing well I haven’t stopped yet. You know why I call it.
Raam’s Machine-2000 well the 2000 is to make the name cool but the word *advanced* means?… that it’s advanced so that’s why I call it the.. . Raam’s machine-2000 sorry it’s quite the long name but still cool as. 


So when I place down my……. DUN..DUN..DUN… 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TON MACHINE which is ACTUALLY ALLOT LIKE what is going on. It’s too advanced for human civilization. Hmm yeah it’s too advanced for human civilization. (Shhh don’t tell but….. uh…there were 3059372 vehicles destroyed in the process of actually putting the machine somewhere)

You know what I will do with the machine tell it to make infinite LEGOS SINCE, IF IT CAN BUILD LEGO LAND WHY CAN’T IT GIVE INFINITE LEGOS (until all the resources in the WORLD are gone because, well why not). Yeah and to make LEGO LAND OR DISNEYLAND your BACK YARD IS CLEARY NOT ENOUGH SPACE SOOOO it (Ofcourse) canbuild a ……… A SUPER HUGE SPACE PLATFORM PROTECTED BY A LEVEL 10,00000000 (max level possible) force field wooow right!!

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