- A friend
- Bananas/oils
- Ice cream
- Salt
- A bunch of nails
- Fire
- Robbing
- Snake on toilet
- Onion apple orange garlic
- Jelly bean that tastes like barefoot
- Fill there elephants toothpaste
1 We need to have a friend and lots of ideas! We will need apples and onions , garlic and orange paint , so we can paint the garlic and will not trust you. (Boom friendship depletes fast ).
2 We place banana peels in their house and they will slip and fall and hit their heads and …( boom bang clash)we have a very good plan to destroy their friendship.
3 We will start a big fire in the kitchen, in their house and give them foot flavoured jelly beans and let them eat and you watch them suffer and fill their house with elephant toothpaste .
4 put the most evil last . snake on their toilet and pop their tires and throw ice cream at them .
To destroy a friendship we first got to have hate for them then we put bananas in there house and then they will be slipping and sliding ( clash bang ouch ) and when he/she cleans it we will throw ice cream at them when they go drink their coffee, put salt in it and enjoy( ew my coffees so gross )when there on the way to work put nail under there car.
When they leave their house set the fire alarm off and put cardboard fire on the stove and when they get back pie there face and when they try have a shower you fill the bathtub/shower with lots and lots of ice cream and give her a onion apple and apologise and after that paint 30 bulbs of garlic orange and put it at the door
Buy a python and put it in the bathroom and put a bucket of water on the door and they will get spooked and drenched and will have another shower but its in ice cream so they clean it up then they have a shower then leave a jar of foot flavoured jelly beans and wait for them to eat it.
We need a lot for this prank. We need hydrogen peroxide,yeast ,water, food colouring, dish soap. We put them all together and we have elephant toothpaste and his whole house is flooded in elephant’s toothpaste and that is very hard to clean up so then that’s the only minimum.