What did I achieve ? I have achieved making a soccer team with great talent. A lot of kids don’t make any soccer team. I was lucky to have a lot of skill to make division 1 premier league soccer joueurs and to. Be one of the teams to represent our club. Our division is the top of the club .
We have gone against teams like Mangere,Manukau,Sae,Papatoe,Papakura,Manurewa football club and some we lost to but most we won against. We usually win something nil so the scores are like this 7-0 mostly we have training on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday and on Saturday we have game day where we play different teams.
My team’s formation is usually 4. 2 .4 My team normally push as a team and fallback as a team so our defensive formation is good vice versa.some of our players are from Italy some used to play for joueurs National team.
This week we are playing Papatoe reds. They have not lost a single game this whole year so we are kinda scared to verse them cause they are the hardest team we have faced this whole season. The whole time playing for my club I have been the main centre back but my coach thinks I do well as a striker so far it has been great .
We are so close to moving to A team division all we need to do is beat papatoe reds and and we move up to the highest rank in the club. Our team has worked so hard for the 5 years this team took to get this goodWe