The start of the term

This term a lot hasn’t  happened yet but a lot will happen soon. There are a lot of sports to try for this term, such as rugby, orienteering, netball, hockey and a lot more so far the first one is rugby then orienteering and then netball then hockey. So far i have made the rugby team and is extremely excited and nervous because in rugby you could get injured and stop you from playing other sports

 Orienteering is where you use a compass and a map to navigate your way around the landscape that you explore. I’m excited for orienteering because orienteering is where you can be active and it’s a sport anyone can do.

Netball is very similar to basketball where you pass the ball and shoot but when you have the ball you can not move and have to shoot and or pivot to get a better angle. My Aunty, my mum and my older cousins played in a netball team so I’m somewhat good at the sport. I look forward to playing sports this term with my friends and classmates.


This term ha shad a good start for me this term and I look forward to a successful term


Food tech

In term one a handful of kahu students went to food tech. In food tech we learn how to cook and how to keep an organised bench top. So far this term i have made cinnamon scrolls, pizza, fried rice and many others my favourite that we made was cinnamon scrolls because it is an easy to make recipe that anyone can make at home with only 6 ingredients ( Greek yoghourt, flour, white sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon and Nutella.


How we made this was rather easy we took a cup of Greek yoghourt and 3 ¼ cups of flour we put 2 cup in a large bowl and add the yoghourt we mix the yoghourt and flour  we lay half the cup we had on the side and place the dough on the counter and kneed away till we have a roll able dough. We roll the drought into a square or rectangle, we spread nutella and then we sprinkle the cinnamon, brown and white sugar. We roll into a cylinder and then cut into our desired size.


We place the scrolls on the oven tray with baking paper then we turn on the oven at 180 degrees and set a 20 minute time and place in the oven.


When the scrolls came out of the oven there was a sugary substance that was like sugar paper. It was edible but very sweet. Some ate it and some thought it was too sweet.


I think that food tech is a good way to learn to keep your workspace clean and organised