Digital art

For digital art we had to make a silhouette of our face from a 2D perspective. My silhouette consists of things that are related and important to me. Such as food, sports and nature as well as many other things. 


 This activity was creating funny pictures, placing them in our silhouettes and talking and having fun with our friends. My favourite thing is it was quiet but we all had some funny laughs and some great interactions.the art we had created was meant to show our thinking and what we are into like our hobbies, our out of school activities and our learning progression as well as what we need to know. We had backgrounds already but we had the ability to change it so I had changed the colour to black and a copper bronze and with a finished product we had to post it to our google classroom.


This digital was my second time around doing though it was on a different app it was relatively straightforward to do. The hardest part to do was the beginning as it was quite hard to generate new ideas but as time went on it became easier and it was becoming so fun and everyone was having fun. 


CCSA Softball

In week 4 on the 20th of February my school had entered for CCSA softball, as I was picked to play in the softball team I had the responsibility of being on time. When I arrived at school I needed to get changed into my pe short and school sports shirt, soon after miss Watson our school PE teacher asked us to get into line of Y 8 boys and year Y 7 and 8 girls, miss Watson sent us off into our cars and we went all the way to papakura softball grounds. We unpacked the 2 tarpaulins and all the bags. We then set camp under 2 trees in the shade away from the scorching heat in the afternoon.


We all had time to have some morning tea before our first game so we made sure to eat then head off to our game on field 3. After we had brought all the gear we had all gotten on gloves and started to throw a ball amongst each other. After the game started we had a rough start and after a while of being battered around we had a horrendous loss of 5-1, in our second game not long after we had the same score and had a bad loss once again. 


A while after those horrible losses we had a big game against Clevedon we had a fast start and took a 3-0 lead which was crucial as we held off them getting any point and we needed that 3-0 win to keep us in the game. Our last game was all the way on field four which was a bit away with 5 minutes till our next game we quickly went down and played the last game. The game started quite even with us only getting a 2-0 lead, shabd who was our excellent back stop was able to tag out a 4th base forced run sealing our victory.


For the last thing of the day we needed to go to prize giving to collect our awards. For the placements 1st place was Finlaycent park and a place was given to… Randwick park  and for 3rd was us even though we didn’t make it to counties we were still happy. For the last award we won sportsmanship.


As this was the first tournament of the year we were all happy we had a placement and sportsmanship. At the end of the day we all had fun and that’s all that mattered.

My first week in kahu

On Tuesday morning 30th January I woke up to one of those annoying little alarms, I didn’t want to wake up but I had to or I’ll be dragged out of bed by my mum, so I got up and went to have a hot shower to wake myself up I brushed my teeth, after that I went and rushed to pack my lunch grab all my books and head to the car to go to school. On my first day we all started the day by having a whole school assembly and we were sent off by grade for my grade the year 7 and 8 we headed to our space in the central area called tamaki ( River ) we were then split into our class, I was placed in kahu 2 the 2nd class, and my home room was with miss smith. In the previous year miss smith came as a student teacher to learn more about teaching, and we come to this year where we were lucky enough for miss smith to join our school. Me and my classmates all head to our space to label all our books such as maths books and reading… i did this last year so I did this quite fast compared to last year, we then finished and …


The bell rang, and as all the teachers let the students out of the classroom, hundreds of students came running out the door and bolted into the bag huts, where us students kept our school bags, we all grabbed our hats and lunch and went out towards the eating area ( Central Park ) as we all sat down with our friends we all talked about how our holidays were and how exciting it is to be the new year 8s. after morning tea we all headed to class where we learnt how to apply for jobs ( In our school we had job to teach us responsibility and independence ) this year I applied for 3 job the 3 job I applied for were house captain for this you are 1 of the 4 leaders of your house and I hope that is me ( the 4 house are kauri/green tawa/blue rimu/red and kowhai/yellow ) and the last 2 were hospice ambassador and hall ambassador.


During this week we had an important writing e-asttle which will help us to determine our writing workshops for the term. The topic of my writing e-asttle was a recount ( a recount is a piece of writing that’s already happened) . For my recount I wrote about my road trip to Kērikēri closer to the northern part of New Zealand.


Throughout the rest of the week we went to different teachers to teach us our kahu book standards, our google drive and classroom … During this week I would like to highlight the fact that PE with Miss Dissmeyer was the best class out of the six the teachers taught in pe. We learned about all the different sports we could trail for and compete to win the sportsmanship award which the year 5 and 6 boy won last year. This year there is a sports cup open for the boys and girls. I have had 2 of my friends win it in the past and I want to win it like them as well. 


On Friday we had house games. House games are something the Kahu do at the end of the week to have fun after a long week of learning and house games are broken into the 4 houses . For the games we played, we started by just dancing. For each song a house gets house  points go towards our houses for the competition at the end of the term and the winner gets the feeling of winning. 


for the first week in year 8 we had it slightly easier than what the middle of the year would be. This week has been so fun and it’s a deception of time as this is the last first day at The Gardens School and I hope that this will be the best year at the school. I hope there are lots of sports this year and my first week of school was a blast and the best first week ever.