Te Wiki o te Reo Maori
Do you celebrate te reo maori week? Do you know what it is ? Te reo moari is a New Zealand national week. Throughout this week people celebrate and learn more about it. In this whole week at school we did different fun activities each day. Each week at school we had a word and this week’s word was Kai.
On Rāhina a teacher announced that this week is te reo maori week. This week there will be Patai hidden in this whole school and the people that answer the Patai will get put into a raffle and win a prize, and also each week we have a word and some of the words were like Kia Kaha ( be strong, keep going), morena ( good morning) , rorohiko ( computer) and much more.
On Rāpare at lunchtime there were fun Maori activities to do like how to use poi’s another one was on designing your own bookmark and making cool and fun Maori designs on it. The last one was listening to Māori legendary stories and learning more about maori.
I personally think that this week was awesome because there were fun and enjoyable activities to do and that it was something different to learn and do different activities in maori. My question for you is how did your week go?