STEAM WEEK 4: Bringing My Stop Motion Movie to Life: Designing Characters and Backgrounds

This Week I’ve been busy designing my characters  items and backgrounds I’m going to be using in the the stop motion, using the sketches school app. I’m happy to share how my designs are coming together!

The Process

I have decided to add 1 character, some clouds, the sun, the sunset background, a normal grass with the sky background and other props that he character needs for the stop motion movie.

My Design Progress in Sketches School

So far I have done 2 Backgrounds and a character. My buddy for steam is focusing on the props.


I am really happy with everything we’ve done so far but the part about the part of the design I liked was draw the sunset and the character/man

My Cinquain Poem 😁

Here’s my Cinquain poem about a snake!


Or just read from here. ⬇️

                            What is a Cinquain Poem?

A Cinquain Poem is an amazing poem with 5 lines that doesn’t rhyme. It can be written about anything you like.

The 1st line is the Title of the poem.

The 2nd line has to be two adjectives.

The 3rd line has to 3 words ending with an “ing”

The 4th line has to be a sentence with 4 words.

Finally the 5th line has to be a synonym about the animal/thing you are writing about.

STEAM Week 6/7 T3

Plants are very important to us. They give us food, medication, educational purposes, clothes, shelter oxygen and many other products for human benefit. Plants provide various sanctuaries for many animals. Plants also fight climate. And also prevent from lots of air pollution. Plants aren’t just little green stuff that grow on the ground, they’re more than that!

Fun Fact!: Plants actually talk to each other by emitting chemicals known as volatile organic compounds. That So Cool 😀

Heres a link to a website:

STEAM Week 5 T3

This is a before vs after of the celery experiment we did!Vs

The first thing we did was picking a cup so we picked this container 🫙. We then put water in it. After that we put in some red food colouring. The celery’s name is Joey. We then waited for one day and this is what it looks like now. Some of its leaves are a bit brown and also the red food colour is more darker than before.

STEAM Week 8 T3

How does a plant go through photosynthesis?

1. First the plant takes up the water from the ground through the roots.

2.Then the leaves take in carbon dioxide and takes out oxygen.

3. Finally, sunlight gives the plant lots of energy to make sugar or food.