Stop-motion : THE END

What was easy or hard? :

The hard part was drawing the characters, but the easy part was making the animation.

Why are you proud of it? :

I am proud of it because, i love how the designs came out, the voice overing and how the video was easy to make.

How it made your video better :

I feel like adding the “DRAMATIC” background music made it already 10 times better!

How it relates to our learning around life cycles of Kaitiakitanga :

It related to the life cycle of Kaitiakitanga because, it showed us how the life cycle of humans can help save the world and be a Kaitiaki (guardian) of the land anywhere!

Heres some photos of the work i liked/think needed help and my reaction to how i could improve :

This is my planning, i could improve the drawings by outlining them with black pen to make then stand out, and i could use more vibrant colors.

This is the toddler, i could improve this by changing her hands.

Steam : My reflection / review Over all the Terms

My favourite parts:

1). My first favourite part was being able to draw on my iPad.

2). My second favourite part was the voice-overs, it was fun.

3). My third favourite part was making the video.

My least favourite parts:

1). Moving the characters. It was not very fun and my hands ended up hurting a little bit


I mostly enjoyed steam, and i would do it again! Some thing i would change is having to only have 2 options of taking the pictures.

Bringing My Stop Motion Movie to Life: Designing Characters and Backgrounds

Introduction :

During the week, i have been focusing on drawing my backgrounds, i have been using an app called “Ibis Paint X”.

List The Process :

I have decided i wanted to do a human life cycle so i will be needing babies, toddlers, teenagers, adults, grandparents. For the backgrounds i will be needing a hospital, daycare, primary school, high school, collage, beach and last but not least! A hospital again. I will need my buddy to do voiceovers in the video aswell!

Your Design Process In Ibis Paint X :

I have been using the brush called, “Dip Pen (HARD)” for the outlines and i traced over some images from google. I have made the drawings colorful by coloring it with the colors, Red, Orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and mostly black for the outlines!

Reflection :

I am satisfied about how my designs look like! I like the backgrounds and how the practice runs were like.

Challenges :

The challenges i have went through with this project is that i was having to learn to use a new app, and about getting the colours right/layers.

Here are some photos of my work! :


Kaitiakitanga – STEAM Week 1 Term 4

Why is,”Kaitiakitanga” so important?

It Is Important Because, ‘kaitiaki‘ means guardian, and ‘kaitiakitanga’ and guardianship. The aim is to ensure New Zealand’s land, rivers, lakes and coasts are protected for future generations.

How will you show “Kaitiakitanga”

You can demonstrate the Māori worldview by using your classroom as the environment. Select a kaitiaki, which is a guardian. Picking up rubbish and putting it in the RIGHT rubbish bin.

What is Kaitiakitanga?

Guardianship or management.
land is considered a resource to be respected according to the principle of Kaitiakitanga.

Week : 4 / My Life As a Raindrop / Term : 3

My Life As a Raindrop💧

Hello! My name is Rian and I am a Raindrop! It has raining a lot this week and I have been growing a lot bigger! But the raindrop people has been getting evaporated into the ground while some has disappeared into clouds! In the morning, I saw I was in a cloud. When I was in the cloud it started to rain and I fell on somebodies roof. When I fell I landed on somebodies windowsill and then the next second I fell to the grass I then evaporated into the ground and made it to groundwater source and I was shifted to more water and turned into a mini lake underground!