Stop-motion : THE END

What was easy or hard? :

The hard part was drawing the characters, but the easy part was making the animation.

Why are you proud of it? :

I am proud of it because, i love how the designs came out, the voice overing and how the video was easy to make.

How it made your video better :

I feel like adding the “DRAMATIC” background music made it already 10 times better!

How it relates to our learning around life cycles of Kaitiakitanga :

It related to the life cycle of Kaitiakitanga because, it showed us how the life cycle of humans can help save the world and be a Kaitiaki (guardian) of the land anywhere!

Heres some photos of the work i liked/think needed help and my reaction to how i could improve :

This is my planning, i could improve the drawings by outlining them with black pen to make then stand out, and i could use more vibrant colors.

This is the toddler, i could improve this by changing her hands.

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