When I first started to learn a new language I thought it would be easy but I miscalculated my thoughts.
I was learning the Samoan language because that is my culture it first started when me and my parents were on a flight to my country although it was a beautiful place there was still a problem, I didn’t know how to speak my language all I know was hello which was “Talofa lava “. But still was only very little I know, we drove off to my village to have a “long time no see” but I was thinking on the way there can my cousins speak English? I would think yes but maybe not. I arrived there and was about to say hello but I heard some speaking that I could not understand I got to the point where I realised they barely spoke English. After that I toke a little talk to myself and said “ I need to learn my language so I can fully understand what they are saying “
It first started when I said to my mother “ can you please teach me how to speak Samoan” she said yes with excitement. I had to learn the basics of learning a language that she broke up into three part . Visualise . Speak . Practice . , that’s what I thought it was but not so quite sure I don’t think that was the three parts.
It was a little complicated of how to pronounce a word, it requires focus listening practice. These allow you to learn a language and others, which I probably lack a lot.
What I currently know right now is :
Talofa lava ( Hello)
Ua Mai oe (how are you)
Fa’a mole mole (please)
fa’afetai (thanks)
fa’afetai lava (thank you)
Manuia fa’afetai ( good thank you )
manuia Le po (have a good night)
manuia Le aso ( have a good day )
manuia Le vaso ( have a good week )
I would love to learn more words in my language but this is all I really know.