
“Come on, you can do it!” shouted Mrs Tala’imanu. It was the 20th of October, TGS Athletics and we were just about to start our next race. 


       Everyones getting ready for the first event. My first event was long jump, but        that was at 10:20am so I had a bit of time to eat something. 10:20 finally came so we headed to the other side of the world to do long jump. So there was a white and a blue line. The blue line is where you have to jump if you jump after that blue line that will be a no jump and that won’t be measured. I was bad at jumping but I just blamed it on the line being too far because I never got measured so I was the 1st… LOSER. So I came last in that event.


My next event was discus and it was inside a blue tall net and a circle where you have to throw from. In discus you have a heavy, flat, black object called a discus and you hold it with your palm on top and your fingers securing it from falling. You count to three and take your time then when you feel ready, swing and release. I was first to do it because I was helping measure the length of how far the year six girls threw. Once I did those steps, SWING. I threw the discus and the instructors placed a mark to show where they had to measure to. I forgot to mention you get two tries each, so that was my first try. The next tryb was when I repeated the exact same steps but swung harder than my first turn. It went further than before. After we measured my throws my first one was 8.8m and the second one was… 9.8MS. I thought I had won but turns out I didn’t, another girl did but I am very happy for her.


My last event was shot put. We all should know what a shot put is because most of us are New Zealand kiwis and Valerie Adams is a NZ famous female shot put icon. If you don’t know what a shot put is, it is a medium sized, heavy sphere which is obviously called a shot put. You put the shot put under your ear, then face the side you write with and then aim with the arm you aren’t holding the shot put with, bend your back leg a few times when you have a gut feeling your ready, push with all your might. I repeated those steps and got 6.72 m in length. Again we had 2 shots so after my first shot I threw my second and got a whopping 6.50 m and that didn’t win but my friend did and that’s alright because effort is all that matters. PS: That’s just what I tell myself when I lose.


I came 3rd or 4th in shot put and discus but I still enjoyed my day because the best house colour won… KOWHAI!!!!

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