- Someone annoying [I suggest a sibling]
- hug
- Your own annoyingness
- Your dad
- Acting
- Lure your annoying brother or sister into the kitchen.
- Combine all the acting inside of you to look innocent with a dash of kindness and mash it into your brother or sister with a hug.
- Wait and watch carefully until you see them click.
- Take the anger inside of them and knead it with a squeeze of their impatience until they push you away and yell at you to ____ off.
- At this point it is almost ready, sprinkle a bit of fake emotion around the room and start crying.
- WAMBAM!! You’ve made the angry cake. Serve it to your Dad while it’s nice and hot, then stand back and enjoy the show!
Note: But remember to reserve a spot at the Middlemore hospital you might get a teensy bit beaten and your skin will look fried because of all the slapping and hitting.
The time ticks and tocks and soon your dad’s anger will dissolve into nothingness.
very funny love how you described the story