Intresting facts about 4 insects
In week two in STEAM we learned about the five ways insects help our world.Without bees it wouldn’t be long before our ecosystem collapsed. Bees polinate wild trees and wild flowers, which then support other insects, which then support mammals and everything up the food chain with food and shelter. Bees play a big role in our world as without bees If (a big “if”)the bee’s disappeared off the face of the Earth, human’s would only have four years left to live. Bees play a big role so we need to take care of them, and not only bees help our world there is Ground beetles, Green lacewings, and Dragonflies. Ground beetles are fast runners and rarely fly, You mostly find green lacewings in field and tree crops, gardens and landscapes, and wild lands. Adults feed on honeydew. Dragon flies do not have teeth so they create a type of ice cream scooper with their mouth to scoop up a bug and put it in their mouth and swallow ( I was about to say chew but they have no teeth).