Who would I be a clown or a rider in a rodeo

Everyday my favourite  teacher, Miss Griffin asks a question and one of those questions I just loved and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It said would you rather be a clown in a rodeo or the bull rider?” The clown distracts the bull  so I was thinking and thinking till Miss Griffin showed us a video of the After I watched it I.

 knew who I was going to be, the clown the save the rider and you get a lot of money then instead of people killing the bulls you can use the money to save them from death and Release them I know it is really risky and it could lead to death but it’s about trying and I think it could be easy and I would love to try When  I am older.

And if I could I would try being the rider but would still be a clown to try and help you get the fame and money as a bonus you will be on tv and if you were in American and it could be amazing and I wandered what the chraning would be like seeing so of the videos It looks hard but maybe it won’t be to hard .

But what if in a rodeo there were a standpipe of cows and the rider had to stay on the bull and not fall off the bull or the cows move closer and closer till the rider raises a bule fag to show they give up but if they stay on the bull for 8 seconds they win and the clowns are on horse try to bring the cows closer  after 8 seconds the clown run through the standee trying to get to the rider on there horse.


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