Maths art

Math art


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put art and maths together sounds boring right I did it not so long ago and I loved it I know what your thinking you just paint  numbers if you are then you’re wrong we use Tesselshin to make a repeating pattern when we I first heard about it I was not really interested at first but after


 I watched a video about it. I followed it step by step. I did make a lot of mistakes but after a while I got the right shape in my head. It looked like a foxs ,then it was time for the next step to tras out the fox then go over the lines with a sharpie.


After I did it  I walked over to a table with watercolours and sat down then I picked up a brush dubbed the brush  in orange paint and started to paint  the foxes then wants I finish drying I added some pink to me foxes for the ears after I went to pe they were announce the maths winners I was suppressed they called my name I up from my sit then I walked down the stairs to get my prize from the office I got felt pens and a sudoku book


 Week 2 Swimming


On Wednesday 3 August I had my first swimming lesson of the year and I was really surprised to know that the times were switched, so I didn’t go at 12:30 I went at 12:00. I was in the first group to go. The miny bus was running late but we were right on time. Then we walked into Manurewa leisure centre and went into the changing rooms. I got changed and sat by the pool.

After we got in the pool three adults were in the pool and swam to us and introduced themselves. Then they told us to swim from one side of the pool to the other side to see what group we would be put in. There were three groups. I made it in the 2nd group.

After I got in the 2nd group the first thing we did was put our hands together like a diamond shape. Then try to swim and keep that pose, and if you needed to breathe you would stand up and continue swimming until you made it to the end. 

Saoirse’s fabulous life

Saoirse mckenna biography 


What she did as a kid

What she did as a kid 


When saoirse was little kid she loved learning about the human  body  and she’d do anything just for the teachers to teach how the body works band it was one of the thing she just loved about  school and as she got older she decided that she  wanted to be a doctor so she worked harder and tried her best to get all test right and did it even if she didn’t like it she wanted to go to high school then university to get a good job and someday make an unpacked so big it change the world just like sir peter . All she wanted to do is to have a good job and a good life and try change the world  to make things easy for people and kids and to be a good role model to kids all around the world and even the smallest in pack can make biggest change in the world 


What she did in  her early adult life 

She went to university worked hard and tried her hardest to payatenchen to every class and all she could think about was who bad she wanted that job so the class’s she loved the most where now the class she worked on the hardest she had to work on science and pe and for 4 year she was studying got harder and harder but the day finally came and and and there were big business that were looking for a doctor and for some reason They had chosen her and they said you start tomorrow morning at 5:00 and she was smiling with joy and when she came to work at her new job there was a man standing very close to her and he said are you saoirse she said yes i am why I am your boss ok then he said did you study cancer in ​​university yes why? Because here is your first patient her name is lily and she has blood cancer and you have 5 weeks to try make a cure and if you can you will get paid 1000 dollars so for 5 weeks she worked harder than she ever did and she put it in a needle and slowly inject the cure in her arm and in 2 week she felt better then ever and thanked saoirse so much  and saoirse felt amazing seeing a smile on her face .