Math art
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put art and maths together sounds boring right I did it not so long ago and I loved it I know what your thinking you just paint numbers if you are then you’re wrong we use Tesselshin to make a repeating pattern when we I first heard about it I was not really interested at first but after
I watched a video about it. I followed it step by step. I did make a lot of mistakes but after a while I got the right shape in my head. It looked like a foxs ,then it was time for the next step to tras out the fox then go over the lines with a sharpie.
After I did it I walked over to a table with watercolours and sat down then I picked up a brush dubbed the brush in orange paint and started to paint the foxes then wants I finish drying I added some pink to me foxes for the ears after I went to pe they were announce the maths winners I was suppressed they called my name I up from my sit then I walked down the stairs to get my prize from the office I got felt pens and a sudoku book