STEAM week 2
November 17, 2024
- Visual: sunrise on the beach
- siena “welcome to the sea besties podcast”
- Introduce ourselves/our names
- Introduce the topic ‘sea life protection’
Segment 1:
impacts that humans have on sea life
- Visual: underwater by coral reef.
- Talk about the problems they face because of humans.
- How we can get rid of the problems we cause our sea life.
Segment 2:
Rubbish/littering problems
- Visual:dolphins doing tricks.
- How your rubbish ends up in the ocean.
- What species get affected by the rubbish problems.
- Alternatives to plastic and other non-reusable materials.
- Picking up after yourself and others.
Segment 3:
- Visual: A beach on a tropical island
- How the ocean can get polluted; boats, rubbish trucks and factories
- How the sea life can be affected by pollution
- How we can reduce ocean pollution
Visual: sunset on the beach
- Thanks for listening
- We hope you have learnt a lot from this podcast
- Make sure to use the tips we gave you to make our oceans a better home for our sea life!
and this is our storyboard