
Share memories from a Pink Shirt Day

Hi guys my name is shazleen gokal and today I’ll be telling you about my memories of pink shirt day in My Primary School the name of that school is: Puhiuhi School Others Before Self


When I was at my primary school we had a pink shirt day I was in year 0 until 6 so the pink shirt day was on Friday 12 April 2021 some of the primary people had to wear the pink shirts during that time we play some fun games each rotation have games and some warm up there was 6 different activities we continue until the end of the day there was a challenge of running 1 to 6 people have a pole on the head and then they run as fast as they could after that they give it to the different teams I was in pink team and the boys was on the uniform team so I was the fastest person and me and the boy came first it was so fun during lunch time we have a pool party it was so amazing let me tell you about the rotation’s of the activities


  1. Race
  2. long jump
  3. egg passing
  4. tag
  5. stuck on the mud
  6. noddles tag octopus

My favourite one was stuck on the mud it’s the coolest game and let me tell you how you play it there will be 3 players to be it and the rest of the people has to run to the other side but not getting tag but if you get tag you have to stay were you were tag and then you have to stretch your leg out so that people are not it they have to under your legs and your free but if the tager tags you if your freeing a person they run and you have to stretch your legs that’s how you play that game ^^ And Here’s A Picture Of It 



these kids have an example of playing stuck in the mud

Me HaViNg A fUn PiNk DaY xOxO fRoM:

Shazleen Zaishan Gokal

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