Hi guys I’m shaz I’m going to tell you how I got friends this is my friend
- Nastasiat
- akshath
- trinity
- Riya raj
- kabir
- Shazleen
- harshath
they are cool let me tell you all about them
- Riya raj: so I met her in the puhuni school and we started to be best friends and we always hang out and we do friendship things like helping kind and other things we sometimes fight but we get over it now she’s sweet she’s sing so beautiful she EVERYTHING!!!^^ WISH YOU LUCK ON AUSTRALIA!
- akshath: I met him in year 7 he was in year 6 he was cool and everything we always hang out eat sometimes and we play games he does juicy everyday and I do my own things he’s always make me laugh and I make him laugh and smile:)
- Nastasiat: she so cool and we sometimes hang out and we share food and other things she so funny and we help together and we are going to same high school and we will be so excited
- kabir: we always play roblex and he scares me sometimes and we always draw and we play tag we and we hang out and eat with our other friends
- Trinity:she is super cool and crafty because she does a lot of amazing amine and she is going to win or something she is my friend of year 6 and I was in year 7 she’s funny crafty cool and she can do her amine on her drawing book she has a lot of skills! People knows that trinity can be very helpful and nice and she’s also my friend
- Shazleen of me: as you know I’m shaz I’m a golden hearted girl and i can do things like
- Sing
- dance
- strong
- fast
- crafty
- laugh
- sad
Those are my things I’m the gardens school we help each other and be kind each others
kabir: we have been friends since year 7 he’s funny and cool we sometimes draw and play ♟️ chess he beats me and that’s ok because i try kabir always scared me and he makes me laugh and I make him laugh lol 😂
harshath: he is cool and he is funny, cool and plus he plays a lot of roblex on computer and roblex in life we sometimes fight but we get over it now we are a normal person of a friend he’s sometimes scared me and I scare him back but he doesn’t get that scared but with me I get scared lol we sometimes hang out sometimes not and that’s ok we have been friends until year 6 to 7 👍👍😄😄 and we play online game of chess and in real life ♟️