Month: October 2024

Limericks week 3

A limerick poem always has 5 lines. The first second and fifth line always rhymes (rhyme scheme; AABBA). Limericks are usually a bit silly or funny. They are made for you to laugh or smile at when you read them. When read aloud or even in your head there is a little beat inside the poem.


This is my limerick poem:

A giant green hairy mouse

Now lives in my house

I thought there was one

But it had only begun

Because it turns out, he had a spouse




STEAM-week 2

This is my podcast outline


  • Visual: sunrise on the beach
  • siena “welcome to the sea besties podcast”
  • Introduce ourselves/our names
  • Introduce the topic ‘sea life protection’

Segment 1:

impacts that humans have on sea life

  • Visual: underwater by coral reef.
  • Talk about the problems they face because of humans.
  • How we can get rid of the problems we cause our sea life.

Segment 2:

Rubbish/littering problems

  • Visual:dolphins doing tricks.
  • How your rubbish ends  up in the ocean.
  • What species get affected by the rubbish problems.
  • Alternatives to plastic and other non-reusable materials.
  • Picking up after yourself and others.

Segment 3:


  • Visual: A beach on a tropical island
  • How the ocean can get polluted; boats, rubbish trucks and factories
  • How the sea life can be affected by pollution
  • How we can reduce ocean pollution


Visual: sunset on the beach

  • Thanks for listening
  • We hope you have learnt a lot from this podcast
  • Make sure to use the tips we gave you to make our oceans a better home for our sea life!Introduction
    • Visual: sunrise on the beach
    • siena “welcome to the sea besties podcast”
    • Introduce ourselves/our names
    • Introduce the topic ‘sea life protection’

    Segment 1:

    impacts that humans have on sea life

    • Visual: underwater by coral reef.
    • Talk about the problems they face because of humans.
    • How we can get rid of the problems we cause our sea life.

    Segment 2:

    Rubbish/littering problems

    • Visual:dolphins doing tricks.
    • How your rubbish ends  up in the ocean.
    • What species get affected by the rubbish problems.
    • Alternatives to plastic and other non-reusable materials.
    • Picking up after yourself and others.

    Segment 3:


    • Visual: A beach on a tropical island
    • How the ocean can get polluted; boats, rubbish trucks and factories
    • How the sea life can be affected by pollution
    • How we can reduce ocean pollution


    Visual: sunset on the beach

    • Thanks for listening
    • We hope you have learnt a lot from this podcast
    • Make sure to use the tips we gave you to make our oceans a better home for our sea life!


And this is my podcast storyboard

Acrostic poems

Did you know the first types of acrostic poems started in Ancient Greece? Since then there have been lots of different types of acrostic poems. The first one (the main type of acrostic poem that everyone knows) is simply just called ‘acrostic’. It is the poem that the start of each word/phrase forms a message or word. The second type is similar to the acrostic one. It’s called ‘The Telestich’. Instead of the first word spelling a message/word it is the last letter that makes the message. And the final one I’m explaining is ‘The Mesostic’. This one uses the middle of a word or a sentence to form a message/ word in the middle.

Here are 2 different types of acrostic poems I did(the first is ‘acrostic and the second is ‘The Telestich’)

F lashing colours everywhere, then fading into darkness

I ncredible show of lights,lighting up the sky

R emarkable sight to see, up in the starry night

E nchanting to look at

W ondeful feeling inside of you

O n many holidays and celebrations

R rally loud when close by

K ids love them

S tanning in awe at the amazing sight, high up in the night

Cinquain poetry

There are 2 ways of writing a cinquain poem. The first on is using syllables. The first line has 2 syllables, the second 4, the third 6, the fourth 8 and the last, back to 2. The other type of a cinquain poem is just using words. The first line is one word (usually the subject), the second line is 2 words(adjectives to describe the topic), the third line is 3 word (verbs usually ending in ‘ing’), the fourth line has four words (a phrase to show emotion about the topic) and the fifth and final line had one word(synonym of the first word/topic)

Here is a cinquain poem I made about nature:

Week 1 Term 4 STEAM- podcast

My group:

Milan — blogger, designer

Scarlett— recorder, co designer

Siena— organiser, researcher

Our Podcast Name:

Sea Beasties

Our Podcast Logo:

We chose this logo because it fits in with our sea life theme and the animals represent the three people in the group. We chose these animals because we found them really cute and went perfectly with our background. We also liked how they were in a circle and and would look good under the sun rays and in the middle of the coral.

Our Podcast Theme:

Sea-life protection