Month: November 2024

Term 4 reflection-podcast

The hardest part of making our podcast was definitely the editing on garage band. Mainly adding the background music to the interviews. Whereas the recording of the interviews was quite easy.

The part I enjoyed most about the podcast was designing our podcast logo and coming up with our podcast name. It was fun because we got to be creative and put a little bit of ourselves in the logo.

Our podcast relates to kaitiakitanga in many different ways. We talk about how to help sea animals have a better life and cleaning up the ocean.

3 tips to make a better podcast:

If you use voice memos you need to film in a quest space because it picks up a lot of noise

If you have background music on your interviews and are using garage band make sure to turn down the gain so you it’s not too loud during the interview

plan out your questions for your interview and make sure they are answerable and make sure they are open ended



Concrete poetry

How to write concrete poetry:

Concrete poetry is also known as shape poetry. A concrete poem describes a person object or animal. The cool thing about it is that your poem is in the shape of the thing that your poem is about! A concrete poem can use full sentences and it doesn’t need to rhyme. You will usually find alliteration or similes (comparing things with like or as)in the poem. You can also choose to add imagery and metaphors(a direct comparison between 2 things).

Here is my Christmas concrete poem:

STEAM- week 3-podcast

Questions for the interviews: