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The trip to Coromandel WaterWorks


In week 7, 2020 the Enviro Avengers went to the Coromandel Waterworks Park, we all enjoyed playing around with the water, swimming in the extremely rocky place in the pond and squirting each other with water cannons. We learned about how they got all the water and how they recycled the water. What makes this park unique is that everything in it is recycled, all of the cannons, water systems, squirters and other things are all recycled. Below you can find everyone’s reviews on the trip, what they enjoyed and what happened on the trip.


I thought Waterworks was a really interesting place. I learned a lot about the catchment, which is a stream that makes plants grow with nutrients from the river and the sea. I still remember when we changed into our togs and went into the part of the pond, it was extremely rocky and I didn’t enjoy it that much. In




Also, we played on some water cannons, that was the best moment of my trip, we had a bunch of fun squirting everyone but I still don’t get how we turned it.


Another very interesting and enjoyable part of the trip was this boat race type thing that was extremely fun, at first I thought that the person who started first would be in first place, but boy was I wrong, there were a bunch of obstacles that made it more interesting and enjoyable.

Even though there were some annoying parts where some people would trigger a lever and the water system would squirt you soaking wet, sure it was funny but your clothes would say otherwise. They were also these interesting things like a little wheel  that played music, everything in this park was extremely innovative and wacky, but I’m surprised that they even made this as I’m sure that this was extremely hard to make. As soon as  I arrived at the entrance my  eyes lit up, it was absolutely amazing all of it and I was not let down. The two and a half hour trip was one hundred percent worth it. Also there were two bikes that  you could squirt into the pond and another turning water gun where you could fire at duck signs.

While doing all this, you don’t waste a lot of water, because when using say the canons, some of the water that you use goes back  into the river and the process goes on and on. The water will also never run out as it will always have rain water to fill it back up when it gets short on water. The place it was in was absolutely beautiful, it was surrounded by nature, trees, grass and birds. There were flying foxes too, though I was too chicken to go on them. We ate at the Waterworks park cafe and the food was extremely good in my opinion, the toastie I ordered was amazing.  


Overall this trip was awesome, it was followed by great people and the people who made the park put their hearts into their work and you can see that with your own eyes, the dogs that followed us were so friendly and I totally recommend that you come here and see for yourself.


-Arthur C  

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