Athletics day!!!🏃‍♀️


Yesterday we had athletics. It was one of the best athletics we’ve had so far. We haven’t had lots because of lockdown and Covid 19. It was so stressful to get ready for athletics day,but I finally got ready got dropped of to school and I ran to school as fast as I could. Just a few seconds later BRRRING the bell to get to class rang and I ran even faster. I felt like I was running a race instead of rushing to class. Soon we got on the bus and left. ZOOM the bus went faster than the speed of light and I saw my swimming class pool which is right next to the athletics field. So we all got our bags and raced to the field and waited.

Then we heard a loud screech from the microphone that Misses Cosford was holding so she could tell the rules. After she told us it was off to our events. Me and my two other friends Ayah and Trinity were looking for where the first event was, which was high jump looked really easy when we saw it but when we tried it it was chaos! There was a bar that you had to jump over which was easy at first but the bar got higher and higher! I managed to do it but the third time I tried it the bar fell and hit my leg. It hurt so much, fortunately it got a little better. Soon after that we had long jump which I did pretty well, and was kind of fun but the sand got in my shoes and was very irritating, but after we had a little break from sports and got  juicy hotdogs and fizzy drinks.

2 thoughts on “Athletics day

  1. Good writing, Tanvi. I like how you deliberately chose more exciting words and put down complex sentences in your blog. Please try to write more paragraphs next time. Thank you!

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