September 1

The like of a kid in lockdown

When I first heard I was lockdown I didn’t believe it but then when all my friends said it was lockdown I had many feelings and was saying in my head “Are we actually going back into lockdown.” “Why are we going back it lockdown, what the heck is going on?” But then my parents told me that it was a COVID 19 outbreak and then when they told me I was worried but I knew it was for the best.


For the first couple days I was completely bored and doing everything I would usually do at school was really making me sick and tired. Doing all my work at home was really unorganised compared to doing it at school where you can ask the teachers any time for questions. Another thing I wish was I could just go outside and play with my friends or hang after doing work like at school however because of lockdown I can’t 


When I asked my Auntie Kiana what she thought about lockdown she didn’t really have anything to say except for her being able to sleep in but she wasn’t enjoying lockdown fully because she couldn’t see her friends and other family members.  Another reason was because she could not go to university or go to the mall.


Do you think lockdown will be extended because I hope not but if it is I hope it’s not for long or forever…