December 8

VR Peter Blake

We played VR which is like another metaverse where you choose what you wanna do and you actually can do it also you can do it with friends. we got to see all kinds of sea life and other things and that’s you today. I’m going to tell you about what we learnt and how to take care of our waterways and sea creatures.


We learnt the difference between a protected water area and an unprotected area which made me surprised how much of a difference there was. We first looked at a protected area which had so much sea life. Also the water was very clear which meant you could look through the sea and could see very far also there were lots of seaweed which meant there was a lot of food/nutrients. The reason it’s protected is because of a couple rules it has which are that you cant feed the fish, number 2 is that you cant fish which lets the food chain continue. The unprotected area was very different because since it wasn’t protected people were fishing all the big fish which meant all the kinas were eating all the seaweed. All the small fish that were left had no food and shelter. Also the water was not clear at all and the blue sea was murky with rubbish and all the kinas were just gonna hibernate until the seaweed came back then ate it.


We saw different kinds of seacreaturs . There were jellyfish, stingrays and all kinds of  other animals which looked very cool. We learnt about different types of fish,for  example sea sponge which cant move and eats by sucking up the water around s/her and finding bits of food that is left over or that just fell off or meat. I loved looking at all the fish and seeing how it was looking at them all. My friends were screaming because they said it feels so real because they have never used it before.


From this we have learnt about overfishing and some ways to solve it. A couple of ways to fix it is by fish only what you need. you need to fish only sometimes so that they have time to breed again. Also, don’t fish baby fish because that means they can grow older and breed again leaving us with more fish. We also learnt how to stop pollution by using reusable items and also don’t litter which you shouldn’t do anyways.


I think everyone would enjoy vr blake especially if you like sea creatures.