On Wednesday week 8, the kahu and tui harpori were privileged enough to get to go to polyfest 2024! We had to go to school early, but for some reason no one told me what exact time I had to come, just to come earlier than normal. Sooooooo… I was almost too late, just in time for the role. Once the teachers had done the role, we were taken down to the bus in groups. I didn’t really know anyone in my group so I didn’t really have anyone to talk to. But on the way to polyfest on the bus we didn’t have to sit in our groups so I sat with my friends.
When we reached polyfest we couldn’t see much because there was a big wall that had the polyfest logo and said ‘POLYFEST 2024’ all over it so we knew we were in the right place. There was an entry station where they had to do a bag check and empty our water bottles. (Despite the notice saying we should bring FULL water bottles.)
When we had gotten through the entry station and entered the venue. There were heaps of different delicious smells, colourful sights, and loud sounds! To the left I see a road full of colourful stalls, To the right I see a stage full of cultural performances!
There were 3 stages, each with a different culture performing dances and songs and stories from their culture. The first stage we went to had a bunch of people who had some important stalls and were talking about them. The second stall we went to was called the diversity stage. In the diversity stage, there were heaps of different cultures. (There were a lot of Indian dances.) The third and last stage we went to was the Māori stage. We were quite far away from the stage and I couldn’t really see. Mrs Dissmeyer moved a few people that couldn’t see to were they could so I got to watch some of it.
In the end I really enjoyed the experience and it was a great opportunity to learn about other cultures.
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