What is my Hybrid?
My hybrid is a mix between a kitsune (a 9 tailed fox from mythology) Mixed with a cat. Wich means it has 9 tails, and 9 lives. If it loses a life, it loses a tail. Its called a “Catsune”
What does my hybrid look like?
My hybrid has the head of a cat, the body of wolf, and the 9 tails of kitsune. Its eyes are a yellow-green colour.
Where does my hybrid live?
My hybrid lives in mountain forests with rivers. This habitat provides all of this animals needs.
What does my hybrid eat?
My hybrid the Catsune, eats fish, deer, and CAT TREATS!!!!!
How do You interact with my hybrid?
The catsune is a very social creature, living with other catsunes, and will happily interact with humans. However they need to be left in the wild, or a very very large habitat.
What is my Hybrids special abilities?
Thermal vision, Invisibility, snow speed digging, Being able to jump really far.
The End
I like the idea of a catsune
My little brother Levi made his own hybrid animal, Kind of wish I could add photos to a comment, because it’s quite cute!
You can edit your initial post, and add the picture from Levi.
Levi (Tom’s 7 year old brother) came up with a fictional animal of his own:
“This is a 5 tailed animal called Hawker. It can take electricity from electric items and shock people and go invisible. It lives in the mountains. It jumps 6 meters tall.”
Really impressed by your creative thinking and vocabulary here, Tom! It might be better if you write it in a style of report or story rather than Q&A, so you can put in more interesting details. Tino Pai!